Writing actors#


Nearly any experiment implemented in improv will require the creation of custom actors. As explained in Pipeline specification, these actors are defined by Python classes and represent distinct, independent steps in the processing pipeline. The best way to learn to write actors is by example: the demos give several complete, runnable pipelines.

Here, we explain some of the theory behind how actors work, as well as some more advanced functionality.

Basic expectations: the AbstractActor class#

The AbstractActor class defines the template from which all actors must inherit. You will never directly use an AbstractActor, but all other actors are based on it. You can look up the documentation in the API Reference, but most of the methods associated with the class are internal, handling communication with the store and server, and you won’t need to deal directly with them. The three methods work knowing about are:

  • setup: handles all the setup work the class needs to do before the experiment starts

  • run: the data processing step executed repeatedly during the experiment; handles getting input data from the store, putting output data into the store, and informing other actors where the results are

  • stop: handles all cleanup necessary when the class is stopped

However, the basic AbstractActor lacks many features we might want: it doesn’t properly handle signals from the server (including stop!) and so requires writing a lot of tedious code to check for other things that might be happening in the system. As a result, improv provides the ManagedActor class, to which we turn next.

Practical actor implementations with ManagedActor#

The key benefit the ManagedActor class (which is aliased to Actor) offers over the more general AbstractActor is the addition of the RunManager context manager. This context manager is used within run and handles communication with the server, including calling the setup and stop methods when the actor receives those signals. In a ManagedActor, the actual processing logic is located in the runStep function, which must be defined for any valid actor subclass.[1] Again, examples of actors subclassing Actor (aka, ManagedActor) are available in the actors subfolder of each demo in demos.

Internally, actors communicate with each other and with the server via multiprocessing queues, which are highly performant but restricted to processes on the same machine. For actors located on other machines, or across networks, there are other actors that communicate using ZMQ[2]. In any event, the details should be transparent to users, and implementations are subject to change without notice, so users should not depend on these internals.